Manuel Mejorada, snitch first-class and deadliest snake in the Ynion snakepit

Adobo Ilonggo wonders why there is no one else taking up the cudgels for Rommel Ynion except for one Manuel “Boy” Mejorada and estafador Daniel “Danny” Fajardo. Even his family does not want to have anything to do with him —  his own brother Eugenio “Jun” Ynion Jr., saying that they should not be dragged into the mess Rommel has made for himself and that their brother is so hard-headed, he does not even listen to his own mother.

In the case of Mayor Jed Mabilog, one only has to go on Facebook and see many people, friends from way back, relatives, employees, etc. being rabid in their defense of the mayor and inspiring him to get on with his exemplary work but you could find no such thing in the case of Rommel Ynion. The saddest part is that even his own friends, family members, and media mercenaries snitch on him, emailing Adobo Ilonggo with snippets of damning information that details how evil Rommel Ynion is.

Digging him deeper into the trenches is none other than his “trusted” hatchet man and media mercenary Manuel “Kerida King” Mejorada whose name is on record at the BIR for providing information resulting into the 10-page dossier that is the basis of Commissioner Kim Henares for creating a Task Force to run after Rommel Ynion.


The Kerida King stands to earn several millions for providing information to the BIR last June 2011 – that is, if Mafioso Rommel Ynion does not have him shot at or bashed in the head like Lemuel Fernandez.


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Filed under adobo balikbayan Ilonggo, Iloilo City, Philippines, Adobo Ilonggo, Iloilo City, Jed Patrick Locsin Escalante Mabilog, Manuel Mejorada, Philippines, Rommel S. Ynion, Rommel Ynion

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