Daily Archives: November 19, 2012

A message from an Adobo Reader

I would like to highlight one Adobo Reader’s Sentiments:
This is what a Mr. Edward Oling would like to say:
“Mr. Rommel Ynion, money is never a tool to measure ones’ dignity… Though most of the people would accept the money you will be giving away (if there really is), people would still choose those who really had their heart in to. Sa panahon nang kahirapan ngayon? Kunin at kukunin lang naman talaga ng Tao pera mo and would still vote for the one who deserves them… And he is no other than Mayor Jed Patrick E. Mabilog, considering he knows better, he had the experience and he has excellent performances… A lot has change since he sat as the mayor. A lot of things has gone better. You still need to prove yourself Rommel. That’s what I had to say. Wake up Rommel don’t tell me you are still expecting to win this fight. You’re only a CONVERSATION while JED is a PRESS CONFERENCE, that’s how big he differs from you.

Rommel TIKALON Ynion kept on deleting this post of mine on his wall, and I wondered… Was there still some truth I missed to share? Hahaha”https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/248844_108272922672033_932437412_n.jpg

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Filed under adobo balikbayan Ilonggo, Iloilo City, Philippines